Sunday, August 3, 2008

Still Chasing

It's still Sunday (almost midnight) and I am still working chasing dreams. I am about to finish for the day, I feel I have cleared away some of the heavy cloud of doubt that I wrote of hanging over my head earlier.

In times of true hardship the only medicine for me is to reach to my passions, the things that make me feel at peace within myself. My passions (besides my mother) are writing and designing, when I am sad i can trust exercising either one of those helps me express myself to the point where I realize that I am truly blessed and should be happy with what I have.

After my tough start today I have been designing all day, saying little prayers of hope and talking to my mom (yes I speak out aloud to her and yes she hears me), well at least that's what i believe. I think that officially makes me insane in most people's opinion :) but that's how I survive.

I am very excited about my latest sweat shirt design, I have always been a firm believer in honor, love and mercy, for I think those things make you strong and noble. Dishonor, hate and revenge make you feared but not loved or respected. I rather be loved and respected than feared and hated.

- Honor before Dishonor. Always do the honorable thing, dishonor breeds disgrace.
- Love before Hate. Always choose love over hate, hate is a parasite that eats the hater most.
- Mercy before Revenge. Mercy is mistaken as weak, never revenge it makes you wrong too.

So here is my 1975 HLM (Honor.Love.Mercy) Sweat Shirt Hood

Copyright Bless By Bless Couture 2008

If I didn't have tough days I would never be never motivated to do what I love or what I believe in. So i guess I have to be grateful that things are the way they are, that even the toughest of moments can be used to create light, that we can follow to better days.

Hope! Faith! Love!



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