Sunday, August 17, 2008

Just Let Go....

For as long as I can remember I have a hard time letting things go. From drawings, notes, shoes, clothes to letting go off feelings of hurt or love. I always keep, keep and keep. Letting go is essential in so many ways in life. One of the best examples I know that illustrate the need to let go is this. Have you ever watched a child playing with a toy and then suddenly they spot a ball or something else that sparks their interest? Most children will do what we all do as adults today, they will try to grab that ball so they have both, the toy and the ball, because mentally you have convinced yourself one is not enough. In the child's case, on most...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Still Chasing

It's still Sunday (almost midnight) and I am still working chasing dreams. I am about to finish for the day, I feel I have cleared away some of the heavy cloud of doubt that I wrote of hanging over my head earlier.In times of true hardship the only medicine for me is to reach to my passions, the things that make me feel at peace within myself. My passions (besides my mother) are writing and designing, when I am sad i can trust exercising either one of those helps me express myself to the point where I realize that I am truly blessed and should be happy with what I have.After my tough start today I have been designing all day, saying little prayers...

Chasing Dreams

Today is sunday one of my favorite days of the week for a few reasons: 1. I feel like on Sunday's people are a little more laid back and not so on edge. 2. I always work the least on Sunday's, I work 7 days a week ( feels more like 12 days ). 3. My anxiety is at it's lowest because my phone rings less and most of my clients and business associates don't call me for deliverables.Today however is not a typical Sunday for me, yes I am working but my mind is not at peace,I feel a deep dark cloud above my spirit, it's so heavy I can almost feel it. Every once in a while I think we all feel like we can no longer take it, we feel we have tried so hard for so long, stayed so strong and yet we feel life is cheating us. We feel life is too unfair, A BIT TOO MUCH TO BEAR!From the moment I woke up I felt...

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