Sunday, August 17, 2008

Just Let Go....

For as long as I can remember I have a hard time letting things go. From drawings, notes, shoes, clothes to letting go off feelings of hurt or love. I always keep, keep and keep.

Letting go is essential in so many ways in life. One of the best examples I know that illustrate the need to let go is this. Have you ever watched a child playing with a toy and then suddenly they spot a ball or something else that sparks their interest? Most children will do what we all do as adults today, they will try to grab that ball so they have both, the toy and the ball, because mentally you have convinced yourself one is not enough. In the child's case, on most occasions, they will fail to grab both because their hands are too tiny and fragile, so after trying several times they will choose one and be happy with having just the one.

As adults we all have hard times letting go of something we no longer need, or something we know is harming us in some way, so we hold on. Every time I buy a computer to design my clothing on I don't get rid of the old, in case I need it one day and also because I don't remove all my designs and data from it so I cant get rid if it. So I have about 5 computers but I only use one and a half. I do the same thing in relationships I have such a hard time erasing the data and this stunts any growth. By data I mean I have a hard time moving on from disagreements, arguments and other negative things that occur.

Just last week as I finished my catalogue that has been in the making for three years I realized he only way I succeeded to finish was because I removed all the designs that I didn't get a "Wow!" over. I love every single design I create but I had to learn to let some go so I can let the trully strong ones shine.

Here is the cover of my catalogue it should be online in a week or so, please check it out and see my entire collection.

One of the reasons we as people cheat, lie, become selfish, envious, jealous and more is because we are not happy with what we become dissatisfied with what we have and want to reach for more. It is okay to reach for more, but not until you have let go that which is no longer enough.

In the past few days I have reaching deep inside and pulling out the seeds of contempt that I had towards my father for my childhood. I label them contempt because it's not hate, it was more a dislike of the path he chose and still chooses when it comes to being a father. I have been cleaning out the closet and trying to love him with no contempt like I once did when he would let me sit on his lap and pretend to drive. That was just before I turned 6 and he dropped me off at boarding school, forever!

Whether or not I can repair our relationship I don't know, but in life we always want to make sure we show and tell those we love exactly how we feel so they can choose with a full understanding of your position.

Today I let go, or should I say am trying to let go. It's just that easy to start healing...

Hope! Faith! Love!


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Still Chasing

It's still Sunday (almost midnight) and I am still working chasing dreams. I am about to finish for the day, I feel I have cleared away some of the heavy cloud of doubt that I wrote of hanging over my head earlier.

In times of true hardship the only medicine for me is to reach to my passions, the things that make me feel at peace within myself. My passions (besides my mother) are writing and designing, when I am sad i can trust exercising either one of those helps me express myself to the point where I realize that I am truly blessed and should be happy with what I have.

After my tough start today I have been designing all day, saying little prayers of hope and talking to my mom (yes I speak out aloud to her and yes she hears me), well at least that's what i believe. I think that officially makes me insane in most people's opinion :) but that's how I survive.

I am very excited about my latest sweat shirt design, I have always been a firm believer in honor, love and mercy, for I think those things make you strong and noble. Dishonor, hate and revenge make you feared but not loved or respected. I rather be loved and respected than feared and hated.

- Honor before Dishonor. Always do the honorable thing, dishonor breeds disgrace.
- Love before Hate. Always choose love over hate, hate is a parasite that eats the hater most.
- Mercy before Revenge. Mercy is mistaken as weak, never revenge it makes you wrong too.

So here is my 1975 HLM (Honor.Love.Mercy) Sweat Shirt Hood

Copyright Bless By Bless Couture 2008

If I didn't have tough days I would never be never motivated to do what I love or what I believe in. So i guess I have to be grateful that things are the way they are, that even the toughest of moments can be used to create light, that we can follow to better days.

Hope! Faith! Love!


Chasing Dreams

Today is sunday one of my favorite days of the week for a few reasons: 1. I feel like on Sunday's people are a little more laid back and not so on edge. 2. I always work the least on Sunday's, I work 7 days a week ( feels more like 12 days ). 3. My anxiety is at it's lowest because my phone rings less and most of my clients and business associates don't call me for deliverables.

Today however is not a typical Sunday for me, yes I am working but my mind is not at peace,
I feel a deep dark cloud above my spirit, it's so heavy I can almost feel it. Every once in a while I think we all feel like we can no longer take it, we feel we have tried so hard for so long, stayed so strong and yet we feel life is cheating us. We feel life is too unfair, A BIT TOO MUCH TO BEAR!

From the moment I woke up I felt as if I had just lost something I really loved, it feels as if I lost something i cannot replace but I am not sure what it is. Today I am questioning all the hours i spend on my laptop designing, creating, secluded from the outside world. Today I am thinking of how hard it is to chase dreams, how easy it is to get lost chasing your dream. Sometimes we begin chasing our dreams and then we run right past them running after an imaginary ghost that looks like our dream.

I have always dreamed of being re-united with my mother and yet for that to happen I had so many goals I had to accomplish first, so both her and I could be re-united in a happy comfortable life. It brings tears to my eyes that I haven't seen her in almost 8 years, it pains me and weighs really heavy on my heart. All the help I try to give her, the 2 hour phone calls cannot compare to how I could re-awaken her spirit if she saw me again. The last time I saw her she wiped the tears from my eyes as I said good-bye and told me "Don't cry, I will see you soon" and now 8 years have passed. At this very moment I would give up everything I have worked so hard for just to look into her eyes and watch her laugh like she always does when she sees me or hears my voice on the phone.

We all make sacrifices in life so we can get what we want or help those we love, I have made many sacrifices in my life, the biggest was leaving my home to live in a foreign place where I didn't know a soul, so I could help myself and those I love. Today however I have a heavy heart and a heavy feeling that I have run so hard after my dream I went by it. So today I am turning around to retrace my foot steps, I am going to remember that the ones I love and that love me, are the reason I chase my dream.

I am a big believer in chasing dreams, for in our darkest moments that's all we have and that's what gives us the power to have hope that we can rise and turn a dream into reality. I have watched many of my dreams come to reality and I still have many more but as I chase them I must remember not to run so fast that I don't experience the love, beauty and blessings that my life already has.

As you chase your dream remember to stop every few miles and; gaze at the flowers, listen to the birds make music, make a child laugh, give a friend a hand, thank God for all you have, be grateful, make a new friend, listen to other's needs and spend time with those you love the most. For one day you will catch your dream and look around and you will be alone or you will forever chase a ghost and run past all that matters.

I love you and miss you Annastasia.

Hope, Faith & Love!


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