Its 2009, happy belated new year to everyone.
If you are like me you were super excited to start a new year and leave 2008 behind only to find a 2009 filled with fear of a failing economy, little hope and heavy clouds of fear. I got caught up in all the negativity until I remembered I cannot let society "program" me. I often feel like society/the media programs us using fear, fear of loss, fear of our safety, fear of our health, our financial situation and fear of losing our possessions.
I know most of the things we fear are a reality but we don't need them drilled into the forefront of our minds every morning before we begin our day. Plus I also feel there are just as many important things that are inspiring or that can "program" us with hope so we are better prepared to be pro active and help ourselves.
For example I am looking at to see what worlds leading news source would like me to know. So here we go, these are the real homepage headlines judge for yourself:
• 598,000 jobs cut; jobless rate 7.6% ( There is no need to drill these stats in our heads )
• Recession takes toll on parties (I don't think this obvious observation is breaking news)
• 'Crotchety' Etta plans Beyonce beatdown ( really? )
• Papa John's founder: Don't eat too much pizza ( Really? Really?)
So my point here is there are many negative things we only need to be made aware of once,
especially since we cannot do anything about them. The fear instilled in us by us only makes for a worse situation, it only causes more layoffs, more budget cuts and more problems. Reality is something we create for ourselves and for now we are creating a reality where investors are pulling out, companies are downsizing, people have stop spending etc.. When the time comes we are going to start reading headlines that say "Economy back on the rise", "It's finally over!" and then we will all have hope and return to normal thus bringing it back. I don't claim to be an expert or know much about economics but seems to me we are simply told what to do thus creating whatever situation that arises. It's okay to inform us of the harsh realities but where is the articles or news on hope? Wouldn't it be nice if the news was flooded with ideas to help families that lost their homes, help lines for people who lost their jobs, resources for fighting depression caused by the current economic situation and so on???
Anyways today I want to present you with my news for the day, the way I wish society helped us all start our day with the morning news or paper that sets our emotional tone for the day. Here is my three headlines for today.
Nelsa Curbelo, Former Nun And Schoolteacher, Takes On Saving Children From Voilence.
With a population nearing 3 million, Guayaquil in Southern Equador is home to more than 200 gangs and 60,000 gang youth. At one point, crime in this neighbourhood included 100 murders a month; now that number is down to 10.
Curbelo helps young people get business loans to start projects that have so far included a pizzeria, a recording studio and the print shop where Angelo works, which produces T-shirts and a hip-hop magazine. All participants agree to renounce crime, and each business must include members from rival gangs. In this way, gang members learn to work together toward common goals. It's an effective strategy.
As the crime rate drops in Guayaquil drops substantially because of Curbelo and Ser Paz’s social efforts, she has this to say:
“Love is the greatest power in the universe. Love is more powerful than violence, more powerful than the atomic bomb. Love has the power to transform lives, to change cities and the whole world. Only love has this deep creative power. I am absolutely sure of it.”
...................................................................................................................................................................IN THESE TROUBLED ECONOMIC TIMES WE ALL NEED TO BE LEADERS,
Financial problems can cause not only careers to fall apart but more important they drastically affect our families. People are losing their homes, relationships and life savings. Depression is on the rise and yet you look around and there is no mention of any help for all this, just repetitive mention of how bad and worse it gets. There are probably millions of neighbors who are throwing away food that a family a few houses down could use to feed their children.
Here is a video to empower you, to inspire you and to remind you that you have the power to make a difference.
We are all guilty of claiming to have nothing, claiming to be so unlucky, justifying our bitterness and anger. Hopefully this video makes you realize how blessed we can be and how no matter what our situation we have the "choice" to be happy and do everything we ever dreamed of.
So there you have it. Now why aren't our TV's and newspapers filled with stories like the above, stories that can help us deal with out day to day life. Instead we are bombarded with celebrity gossip, news of cats stuck in trees (nothing against cats, love cats, but seriously not in the 9 o'clock news) and a then a bunch of depressing stuff.
Don't be programmed by society, read but ignore ( don't be consumed ) newspapers and tv's, instead find more inspiring things to start you day and help you be a better person and live a beautiful life.
Recommenced reading, beautiful book you should read

Hope! Faith! Love!
Designer Bless By Bless Couture
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