Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Timing is Everything!

It's almost the end of the year and i look back and I have to admit this was one of the toughest years for me as an adult. Many great things happened and l overcame many obstacles through a dedicated persistence. As the past year was ending my goals and dreams were overshadowed by the occasional doubt and second-guessing myself.

However miraculously I overcame all the obstacles and am filled with hope and promise for a successful 2009. Since my birthday in October three very important people all wrote me a card or letter that said "2009 is your year". Those that know me know that l read between the lines and seeing as those three people are barely connected it means thats the universe telling me 2009 will be a year where all my blood and sweat will be rewarded.

The biggest mistiming of the year was Bless By Bless Couture was supposed to be in stores for Christmas but due the economy, delays in production and me being overwhelmed this didn't happen. At first as expected I was down in spirits, I was discouraged, I felt like I had worked hard for this all year only to fail at my goal. I had printed 100 catalogs that were supposed to be mailed to stores, buyers, stylists around the country and I didn't open the box for three weeks, it was too late to catch the holiday shopping season.

As December approached I began to receive phones calls and emails from people asking how they could buy BBB gear for the holidays. The requests were so overwhelming I all of sudden realized that it didn't matter that I had missed the holiday season goal. My mission is to design and create a product that will carry my message of hope, faith and love through the people who purchase it. Apparently I was doing my job because people wanted my clothing regardless, so what more could I ask for? Life is about timing and my time is 2009, that's what I have decided and that is when I will make it my time. As we journey through life we are presented with situations and challenges that sometimes make us feel we have failed and yet when you are able to know our time and place and accept it we realize we are doing just fine.

Every time you cross the street the only reason you make it across without being hit by a car is timing, on most occasions we cross the street seconds away from a serious injury or death, that is just how important timing is. It is important to know when it is time to do, say or act. Going to work is all about time, what time you get there what time you leave determines your pay. I think you would agree with me that life is all timing.

Here is a little story I was told as a kid and it stuck with me, i would like to share it with everybody. There was a man of great faith who lived with his family in a little village. It was him, his wife and their three kids. He was known around town for his dedication to his religion, his kindness and his unwavering belief in God.

One day a storm came and for seven days and nights it rained heavily and the little village, which stood next to a great river, began to flood. The man gathered his family in his living room and they sat on tables for the floor was covered in water and he began praying. 'God please stop these heavy rains and spare me and my family" he prayed with his arms spread towards the heavens. A group of neighbors knocked at his door and they yelled out "Please come with us, they say the rains are getting worse, we are all leaving the village". The man yelled back at them "God will save us! We are not going anywhere!" the neighbors tried a few times and left.

The next morning the man and his family where sitting on the kitchen table for the waters had risen a few more feet. He was repeating his prayer asking God to save him. A group of people in a little boat that was floating by his house yelled through the kitchen window "Come with us we have room for you and your family, we can get you to dry land before the rains get worse'. Again the stubborn man yelled back "Thank you but God will save us! We are not going anywhere!"

Few hours later the man was praying his prayer for help with him and his entire family on the roof, for the waters had risen as he had been warned. A loud noise in the sky drowned his prayers and he looked up, he was sure God had answered his prayers, the calvary is over he thought. To his dismay he looked up only to see a helicopter with a man lowering a rope and yelling for him and his family to climb up to safety. Again the man refused yelling "God will save us! We are not going anywhere!".

The rains continued as warned, the flood rose washing the man and his family off the roof and they all died. Soon the man stood before God and he was furious as he asked God "Why did you forsake me? I spent my entire life worshiping you, serving you and spreading your word. Why didn't you save me, I had faith, I put my trust and family in your hands and you let us die!" God looked at the man and said back to him "It was you that let your family die. You asked me to save you so l sent your neighbors, l sent a boat and l even sent a helicopter. What else did you want me to do?"

The lesson is in life if we understand the timing and the reality of what is given or taken away from us, we will realize we have all the answers right in our hands. People and things come in our lives for a reason and they also leave for a reason and it is important that when they come we accept them at the right time or let them go at the right time.

I am writing about timing because of the many personal things that are currently going on in my life that have forced me to sit down and learn and accept the concept of time so l can better cope and have faith. I recently realized that in love things are perfect when two people realize what they are worth to each other at the same time. So often we find that by the time we really care or love something or someone it has gone and it is too late. Like that man despite all his faith we complicate things and fail to realize that what we need and want is offered to us over and over and yet we look elsewhere to find answers or solutions.

Anyway, I just wanted to share the importance of realizing what we are offered by the universe, by God, by friends, by loved ones and even by enemies. It is important to know miracles when they happen, to know angels when they walk into our lives and also to know evil so we can walk away.

So learn to say the right things at the right time, learn to walk away at the right time, learn to laugh at the right time, learn to thank at the right time and and most of all learn to love at the right time. When you learn to pay attention to the time and importance of what life is giving you, everything becomes so simple and it is then that you can say...

"I love you, I thank you, I appreciate or I am leaving, I deserve better..."

Speaking of time, it's time for me to get back to work so i can catch the UPS man to ship some orders :)


Hope! Faith! Love!


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